
Makeup base application

Corrective bases are used to unify, clarify and qualify the skin in a discreet and gentle, providing a luminous effect.

The bases can be applied across the face, and in areas specific to conceal skin imperfections such as blemishes, dark circles, granite, etc., or to attract light around the eyes, the contour of the lips, forehead , cheekbones, etc.
At the time of implementation, it is important to consider some tips:
- Select the tone according to skin color, if the base is not the same color as the skin does not get a natural effect.
- Placing the base, do it with proper lighting: if the makeup is on the right is the natural light. However, if a makeup for the night, using electricity.
- Apply sparingly and gently vanishes. This can be done with the fingers, for a natural makeup with a sponge to apply the product more in some areas by small strokes, or with a brush to achieve total coverage.
- Before makeup is very important to clean the skin with a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.


1 - Place the base with a brush in the center of the forehead and extend to both sides.
2 - Do not overburden the brush to achieve a more natural looking.
Vanishes with a clean sponge base better.
3 - Do the same with one side of the face, starting from top to bottom, followed by the chin and covering the other end side in ascending order.
4 - This way of implementing the circular base is not to leave to cover any area.
5 - vanishes well with the sponge to achieve a seamless and imperceptible.

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