
Dealing with acne

For a long time, the acne has been linked to the idea that only teenagers suffer.
However, this condition has been observed in women after age 30. Acne in adults is very common and can present a real problem if not treated with due care. Acne is a result of excess fat produced by the glands of the skin. Almost everyone, at some point in our lives, we experienced some features of acne, including blackheads and comedones, without necessarily presenting what is called clinical acne. And the main victims of acne are women, primarily due to hormonal changes that we experience in our body during menstruation or pregnancy.
At present, 35% of patients in dermatology consultation exceed 25 years and the causes of acne in adults, can be varied.
Some experts blame the incidence of pollution and stress, as well as to not come in time to a specialist. It starts with the appearance of comedones (black spots), papules (red granite), sebaceous cysts and pustules on the chin. What is interesting is that these lesions increase in the premenstrual phase of the cycle. Acne tends to regress spontaneously to 20 years, 15% persist until 25 years and a small percentage reaches up to the last 40 years. Common factors The causes of acne are many.

Some of the most common are:

Hormonal disorders that cause the production of large amounts of natural oils.

Consumption of birth control pills.

PERIOD: during menstruation increases glandular secretions which often aggravates acne during the period.

CREAMS: a factor influencing the occurrence of acne is the abuse of creams and cosmetics to disguise the granite, which favors a greater number of eruptions. It is therefore imperative to choose products that are dermatologically tested and classified as non-comedogenic or oil free (fat free) so you do not plug the follicle of the skin.
Those containing mineral oils should be avoided by people prone to suffer from acne. Especially nourishing creams favor the formation of comedones.

STRESS: It is important to control stress, which favors the appearance of granite at the bottom of the face, around the jaw and chin. The body defends itself from it by the adrenal glands, but when they are activated, they produce excess androgens. Similarly, during the premenstrual period occurs an overproduction of male hormones and the outbreak may occur.

MEDICATIONS: Some drugs are causing injuries Acneiform alergotóxico by a mechanism such as iodine, bromine, chlorine, and high doses of vitamin B12 injections. Anabolic steroid that doctors prescribe in cases of severe anorexia, and some athletes who use, produce seborrhoea and acne. Prolonged use of local corticosteroids, which often are used without medical prescription, may also cause stimulation of testosterone Acneiform reactions.

Other factors Occasional acne may be aggravated by the following causes:

SALT: consumed in large quantities can cause sludge in some skins prone to acne.

MINERAL OIL: Used in many cosmetics because of its low price, can block pores causing pimples.

DIET: Do not always need to change diet, because the fat that is consumed has no relation to the sebaceous fat (the skin). If the skin produces the normal amount of fat or even more than necessary, and added fat products (cosmetics, creams, suntan, etc.), the problem will inevitably emerge. . Lanolin: This product, as used in cosmetics, can cause blockages in the pores and consequently the mud. . Pillow: change them often to prevent grease from your skin to accumulate there and re-clean skin.

APPLICATIONS: keep it clean makeup brushes and sponges.

Dirty SKIN: If you wash your gym or breathes his face immediately afterwards. Do not touch your face during the day as many hands build up bacteria and microorganisms. Specifics Acne should be dealt with in many cases treatments médicocosmiátricos.

It is essential in the treatment cosmetological cabinet and home treatment. If we say that the elementary lesion of acne comedones is, therefore, should be removed to avoid any possibility of contamination. The peelings or peels are extremely important to rapidly improve acne, which are used for various types of exfoliating masks based on zinc oxide, silica and menthol, which removes skin secretions and impurities that accumulate on the skin; acids send it to 10%, 20% glycolic cream and exfoliative desquamation producing a visible helping to refine the skin and preparing it for an easier removal of comedones, with no trauma to the skin as well as regenerate the cellular changes allowing the skin look more healthy and without injury. The dry ice, is a mask based on how CO2 dry ice that binds to sulfur, which is sebostatic (driver tallow) and antiseptic that improves the skin. Masks driers and decongestants are designed to be cleansing, whitening, and are based on kaolin, bentonite, and active cooling elements.
Women with acne after age 30, certain areas need moisturizing to prevent wrinkles, because the very use of drying increases the possibility of producing the same, especially in the area of eyelids and nasogeneano. Gels such as gel Regenerator Biofito, instantly moisturize and repair the appearance of dry skin without the addition of fat to the skin. Liposomes afirmantes silicon organic Vitamin E and collagen made in the skin depth of the food they need to produce smooth and preventing wrinkles.

Enlarge eyes with makeup

A good look is important to seduce and to impact others. The eyes are the most feminine of looks, we first look at the others ... Therefore a good makeup is ideal to start seducing.

To outline the eyes can be used to delineate different types: the pen, the liquid liner with a felt tip and pasta. The pencil is the most common because it is easier to use, the liquid delineators are popular for their clear lines, but require more practice and a strong pulse.

The small eyes can be expanded in several ways, one is drawn through. While not appear able to show off the look and increase the size of the eyes. The idea is to thicken the line of the tabs, both above and below, and raise the end of the eye with a line to draw its natural format. Then apply mask abundant tabs.
However, if the eyes are wide liner should be placed in the inner corners of eyes for emphasis.
With eyes closed, or close to delineate the outside corners of the eyes to highlight the inner corners.

Finally, to clear any error or excess can be a cotton or corrective makeup to look or care about Eye verbose.

Makeup Step by Step
Performed on their eyes already outlined, a shadow of the same color of pen that was placed first. You can help with a liner brush.
Do this work both in the upper eyelid inferior.Unir as in the two lines, ripping the eye gently.
Then apply the eyeball across a brilliant shade of light color, this will give the eye an appearance of spaciousness.
To strengthen the work and as a last step, draw the eye with a pencil in champagne color.

Makeup base application

Corrective bases are used to unify, clarify and qualify the skin in a discreet and gentle, providing a luminous effect.

The bases can be applied across the face, and in areas specific to conceal skin imperfections such as blemishes, dark circles, granite, etc., or to attract light around the eyes, the contour of the lips, forehead , cheekbones, etc.
At the time of implementation, it is important to consider some tips:
- Select the tone according to skin color, if the base is not the same color as the skin does not get a natural effect.
- Placing the base, do it with proper lighting: if the makeup is on the right is the natural light. However, if a makeup for the night, using electricity.
- Apply sparingly and gently vanishes. This can be done with the fingers, for a natural makeup with a sponge to apply the product more in some areas by small strokes, or with a brush to achieve total coverage.
- Before makeup is very important to clean the skin with a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.


1 - Place the base with a brush in the center of the forehead and extend to both sides.
2 - Do not overburden the brush to achieve a more natural looking.
Vanishes with a clean sponge base better.
3 - Do the same with one side of the face, starting from top to bottom, followed by the chin and covering the other end side in ascending order.
4 - This way of implementing the circular base is not to leave to cover any area.
5 - vanishes well with the sponge to achieve a seamless and imperceptible.